Tag Archives: animals

Custom Cuts: Gone Fishin’

12 May

My best friend (and former roomie) Kate needed a hostess gift a few weeks ago.  She was heading to Annapolis for the opening of rockfish season.  She figured food would be a nice touch.

Who am I to disagree with her?  After all, food is great.  For all occasions. 

So we put our heads together and decided on some sugar cookies.  Fish perhaps?

Now, I do not claim to be a fish expert.  In fact, I eat the little guys, I don’t catch ’em.  So, at the risk of offending my fishing friends, I went simple with the fish shapes.  Really simple.

I think they are pretty cute, though.  A little reminiscent of those little cheesy crackers from days long gone.  

And, if the fish aren’t biting, at least you have a cute, cheerful (and delicious, if I may say so myself) cookie to eat!

Gobble, Gobble

27 Oct

Do you have a vegetarian in your family?  Someone who doesn’t like poultry?  Yeah, me too (hi Mom!).  Well, Kristina’s Confections has a solution – sugar cookie turkeys.  Everyone can eat them!

I think they are pretty cute.  Well, as cute as turkeys can be.  I love the little polka dot tails.

Speaking of, as I’m sure you noticed, the design for the 2010 Thanksgiving collection is polka dots.  Yes, I know, I use polka dots a lot.  But I think these designs are fun and festive.  Hopefully you agree.

So there you go.  You have now seen the Thanksgiving collection.  What to do with them?  Well, there are a ton of options – place cards for dinner, favors for guests, a dessert platter addition, “thank you” for a teacher, surprise for family far away.  The possibilities are endless!

Be sure to get those orders in early… and no later than November 17!

It Is Easy Being Green

19 Aug

As promised, new sugar cookie designs from my Vermont cookie cutter finds!

The frogs were the ones I was most excited to design – obviously I didn’t wait too long to get to work on them!  I love how they turned out.  The green dots, the little grin and the beady eyes make them so cute.

Don’t they look like they are up to something?

As for the turtles, I was a little skeptical as they were drying (as I am most of the time).  This morning though, I was so excited.  I love the different variations.  The full shell designs have great texture and the polka dot guy is pretty darn cute.

Who wouldn’t love those little smiles?!?

Either design would be great for a little boy’s birthday party.  These would also be fun for spring and summer backyard gatherings.

As always, the cookies can be customized with names, numbers or phrases.

Speaking of… stay tuned for another turtle design.  All I’ll say is “Fear the turtle!”